I think the blog will go something like this: One Chef per month and I am going to try to do 2 entrees, 2 appetizers and 2 deserts for the that one chef. This does not mean it will not have more than this but hopefully never less. The recipes will not always be exactly from the chef themselves but will be a starting point for interpretation. I just want the blog to be fun for anyone who enjoys sharing food with friends and family.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

peanut butter chocolate creme brulee

11.5 oz milk chocolate chips
3/4 cup heavey cream
1tsp vanilla

bring cream to a boil over medium heat. Put chocolate chips in a pyrex bowel and pour heated cream over the top, let sit for a second to slightly melt chocolate then mix until smooth, add vanilla and stir in. place in fridge to cool.

Now boil
2 cups cream

while that is boiling wisk together in seperate bowl

5 egg yokes
1/2 cup sugar
1tsp vanilla

then stir in

1/4 heaping cup of creamy peanut butter

put in a dollup of chocolate in the creme brulee dish or other small baking dish and pour liquid on top and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. make sure you check it often the edges should be stiff but the very center should still be slightly liquid. if you shake it just she center should move. we ended up cooking it for about an hour and it was still slightly undercooked so make sure that just the very center is liquid.

Next coat the top with raw sugar and toarch it until sugar is melted


  1. Can you broil the sugar if you don't have a torch?

  2. You can broil the sugar if the torch is not available
