I think the blog will go something like this: One Chef per month and I am going to try to do 2 entrees, 2 appetizers and 2 deserts for the that one chef. This does not mean it will not have more than this but hopefully never less. The recipes will not always be exactly from the chef themselves but will be a starting point for interpretation. I just want the blog to be fun for anyone who enjoys sharing food with friends and family.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Question about Spices

We had a comment on what essential spices would be in the kitchen for an aspiring chef. As I am an aspiring chef myself of we can say a backyard chef I can give you all a good guess on what I would have in my kitchen. I think the essential spices you need in your kitchen depends on the style of cooking you like to do. If you tell me what style you think you like I can give a guess on the essentials for say Italian, Greek, Mexican, Chinese or we could list them all. In our kitchen the basics I would always have for everyday would be: Pepper, Salt, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Chili Powder, Dried Oregano, Dried Basil. I hope this helps for starters. We can get into specifics when we cook certain types of food.

The Bobby Flay recipes featured a variety of chilis. Some of the chilis were not as easy to find. The essential for Bobby recipes are: Ancho Chili Pepper, Arbol de Chili Pepper, Pasilla Peppers, it is also good to have some honey in the cupboard for Bobby.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the advice. My favorite thing to cook, or more importantly eat, is italian. So if you get in the mood for that send some more reciepts and advice my way. THANKS
